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To ease local development and testing, we use but you can also call yarn directly for most commands if you want.

To see all the commands available, run task -l and it will list all of them along with their descriptions.

Running & debugging the extension locally

There are multiple ways to run this extension in debug mode, depending on your needs and setup. To run the default test suite, just run task.

Debug with language server

In that mode, the code of the client is compiled and watched, while the language server's code is copied from the node_modules. You'll be able to debug JavaScript files under out/server/src and set breakpoints in them.

To run in this mode, you should first ensure that your code is compiled by running task build. Then you may either launch the Client + Server configuration or just Launch Extension.

Debug with local language server source code

For this mode to work, you'll first need to clone the repository containing the language server code into the ansible-language-server directory next to the root directory of this repository. Remember to yarn install in that directory.

Once the language server directory is prepared, you may compile both client and server using the yarn run compile-withserver command. Then you may launch the Client + Server (source) configuration.

Debug a web-packed application

In rare cases, you might want to debug the application code compiled with webpack. In this mode the source maps for the client point to the source of the client, while the sourcemaps for the server point to the JavaScript files of the ansible-language-server under node_modules.

To launch in this mode, first run webpack (yarn run webpack-dev). Then you may launch the Launch Extension (webpacked) configuration, followed by the Attach to Server configuration.

Cleaning the output

If you hit an odd compilation or debugger problem, don't hesitate to clean the output directory by running yarn run clean. You should also run it whenever you are switching between debug/compilation modes.

Package extension

task package

Release and publication of extension

Github Actions pipeline has two publishing jobs, one for marketplace publishing and another one of publishing ansible-language-server to npm registry. Both of these require manual approval from one of the core maintainers.

Admin interface for VS Code Marketplace.